Keeping a child’s mouth healthy will be much easier it plaque can be easily seen. As a matter of fact, the plaque is not that easy to see, and you may not notice if you or your child has a plaque problem until your gums start to turn to red and bleed. This is where chewing tablets or plaque disclosing tablets are very helpful for you and your kids.
What are plaque disclosing tablets?
Plaque disclosing tablets are chewable tablets that contain staining dye. After chewing the tablet, the dye reacts to any plaque and stains it, normally in the color of red or purple. Therefore, any part of the mouth that hasn’t been cleaned properly will be made visible.
How to Use Disclosing Tablets
In general, disclosing tablets are used after brushing the teeth and flossing. You can read the label on how to use it, but the instructions are very simple. Simply chew the tablet for about thirty seconds and spit it out. Then open your mouth and smile in front of the mirror. If you really want to see those hard-to-reach places, it may be helpful to purchase a dental mirror.
Benefits of Using Disclosing Tablets
Plaque disclosing tablets are visual aid designed to aid parents in making sure that kids are free of plaque as much as possible after brushing and flossing. It can be considered as a plaque highlighter. These chewable tablets come in various flavours so kids can enjoy them. The bright colors that it produces make the process of getting rid of plaque fun for kids. The main component of disclosing tablets is an agent that easily reacts to the presence of plaque. You can instruct your kid that after he or she brushes and flosses, to chew the tablet and swish their saliva around the mouth and spit it after 30 seconds. After the plaques are highlighted, your child can then brush the colour away. If your kids don’t like chewable tablets, you can buy and use plaque disclosing mouthwash and swabs instead.